Animate 2 "Open GL" and Video Card Qs

Hi all, I’m trying to figure out if my computer can run Animate 2. It says the system requirements are a video card supporting open GL w/ 128 mb of ram. I’m not exactly sure what all that means, but I checked my mac’s specs, and I believe the video card is ATI Radeon X1600, and it says I have 128 MB of vram. So does that video card support “open GL”, and is the system requirement for 128 MB of ram the same thing as “vram”. Thanks.

If I were you I would download the free trial as nolanscott wisely suggested. That’s the easiest way to find out if it works well on your system.

I should also add that I, too, have an older iMac that has an ATI Radeon X1600 video card with 128 MB VRAM and I use Animate Pro 2 on it. I’ve also maxed out my SDRAM memory to 2 GB. The ATI Radeon X1600 supports Open GL, which I also use with Photoshop CS4.

In very short…
VRAM (Video Random Access Memory)
Might help you process some graphical work faster…

RAM (Random Access Memory)
Might help you creating a more stable and faster PC environment…

Not sure how well the ATI Radeon X1600 supports OpenGL ?

Best, download a free trial and see how well Animate runs on your system…

Ok, thanks.

In general, if I were to buy a new mac, either a mac mini or imac, can I assume the video card will support the full openGL, since it’s a new machine?

Not sure about the Mac mini ? - but the 27-inch iMac should…

Regarding the OpenGL capabilities…

For further video editing you might consider FCPX and Motion 5 compatibility…

Hey Guitartist

So you can use it with not problems? What year is your Imac? I would just download the ple, but believe it or not I’m still running tiger, and I’ve been avoiding upgrading because I have software I no longer have discs for, so if I upgrade to Leopard for Animate I want to be sure it’ll work properly.

My Imac is from fall 2006, how about yours?

BTW, nolanscott, why do you think a mac mini wouldn’t work?

Well, I presume the Mac mini quad-core i7 is a “sweet little machine”…
That does everything one would have dreamt of a few years ago…
Running Animate 2 should work just fine…
Doing multi-track full HD with FCPX might put it to the limits…?
A more dedicated GPU might be an advantage…?
Adding a SS-Drive and increase the RAM might help a lot as well…

My iMac is early 2006 and I’m running OSX 10.5.8.

I really do not understand why you don’t just download and install the PLE. This way you will know for sure if it will run on your computer or not. You have nothing to lose. If it doesn’t work, THEN you can start thinking about a new computer.