advanced animation scale-tool question

With the advanced animation scale tool-- is it possible to temporarily move the pivot? ( as opposed to permanently moving the pivot position )


Ah, k-- thanks

and then I guess the question is this instead: is it possible to have the transform tool’s manipulator box orient so it scales a drawing in just the X or just the Y axis? ( as the scale tool allows you to do )

Thanks again!

Hey Lilly-- thanks again for the replies.

I’m hoping that the transform tool can work in object space, as the scale tool does. image example here:

In this situation, using the scale tool I could lengthen the drawing along its y-axis. Trying to use the y-axis available to the transform tool ( the world y-axis ) would alter the drawing’s scale, skew and maybe rotation.

So the question boils down to: is it possible to work in object space ( as the scale tool does ) and have the ability to temporarily move the pivot ( as the transform tool allows)?

Thanks again!

Sweet, yeah it would be nice to have that function built-in.

But, in the meantime, that’s a nice work-around
Thanks Lilly!


Just tried the rotate canvas and Transform Tool workaround.
It let you scale and transform controlled in all direction.
Very effective indeed.

Thanks for the tip.

You kind of have to use the Transform tool. If you have the Scale tool selected, though, you can hold down Command (Ctrl) to temporarily select the Transform tool, while you’ve got it held down. Then you can move the pivot and scale it, then let go of Ctrl.


When you click on the Transform Tool, you can scale it from the side handles (instead of the corner handles) and it will constrain it to that axis.


Ahh okay I understand now. It’s not possible to move a temp. pivot on the rotate tool, and it’s not possible to change the Transform tool’s way of orienting - but one thing that might help you is if you rotate the actual canvas, the Transform tool will adjust to that. So if you use Ctrl + Alt (Cmd + Alt) to rotate the canvas to be perpendicular to the drawing object, you’ll be able to scale in that axis.

I’ll submit a feature request for this though.
