Academic Animate 2


looked all around on the site first, but can’t find if there is a difference at all between the soon to be released Animate 2 verses Academic Animate 2. Is there one besides the price? Usually academic versions are a lite version, but not always, depends on the company I guess. Anyone know? Thanks :slight_smile:

The only difference is that the academic version is not supposed to be used for professional projects - it should be used for academic uses only.

Toon Boom Support

Is there any place on Toon Booms website that states this specifically? I hunted around quite awhile unable to find it.

Did the same for my purchase of academic version of CS4 Creative Suite, until they finally publicly stated their academic products could be used for monetary gain. Every business is different of course, but either way, I want to purchase a Toon Boom product I can actually earn income with someday.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I made a suggestion to the web team that they make it more apparent that the academic version is to be used for academic uses only.

It is, however, stated in the license agreement. You can view the license agreement when you download the trial version - it is the same agreement for the trial, the commercial, and the educational - there are different sections that explain each one. For the educational part of the license agreement, that’s where you can find that information.

Also, when you were to try to purchase an academic version for Animate, you would have to prove your eligibility and at such a time you would be communicating with a sales rep who could answer any further questions you had.

Also, any sales-related questions could always be sent through email to

Toon Boom Support