Ability to Screenshot Entire Node View Setup With Legible Text

Currently, Harmony’s built-in way for capturing a full image or PDF of your node setup is to use the Node View’s File>Print command.

However, it appears that the command is no longer fully functional as the printed image is missing node view connections and other details like text.

This means the only other way to capture the node view is to manually take multiple screenshots of it and stitch them together to keep the text legible for larger node view setups.

In the meantime for improvements to be made to the File Print command, or another solution to be made, I’ve developed an AutoHotkey script for taking multiple screenshots across the Node View which then can be auto-assembled into one combined seamless image using the instructions from the below video:

AutoHotkey Link:

AutoScrollAndScreenshot Script:

Quick Image Packer Online Tool:

I hope this helps as there are Harmony educators who need a method to fully capture their node view as a legible image to use in teaching materials. Unfortunately, my method is limited to only Windows devices as AutoHotkey is only supported on Windows. So I hope a better and more accessible solution will be available someday.

Thank you to the Toom Boom Team regardless for your continued efforts in developing Harmony along with all your other products and services.