No puedo comprar toonboom harmony pro

Ya me contacté con soporte pero no responden, he intentado comprar la suscripción de harmony pro con la licencia de estudiante con 5 tarjetas diferentes y con ninguna me deja efectuar el pago, harmony es el único programa que me pone problemas a la hora de comprar, me sale un error diciendo que no se efectuó la compra y que pruebe otra tarjeta o me contacte con el soporte. Necesito el programa urgentemente.

Hi! Is the Harmony version you aim to purchase too advanced or old for your current computer? Have you checked if the bank is blocking you from purchasing the license? Which payment option are you using? Which credit cards you attempt to use?

These are other forums with similar issue, where you may find some tips:

These are some articles where Toon Boom may address the issue:,only%20accept%20Visa%20or%20MasterCard.

Otherwise, I would suggest contacting the following:

Hope this helps!