Best method to create multiple line colours within a drawing? (self colour lines)

I am looking for a method to create multiple line colours within a single drawing.
For example if I have a character with a red hat and a blue nose and I want to change the cleanup line on those two parts of the drawing to a dark red linework and dark blue linework respectively while leaving the rest of the character outlined in black , what is the best approach ?
Is it best to cut out and copy the line art of the hat for example to another layer and re colour the line dark red as an overlay , or is there a smarter way ?


You can following these steps to color lines differently in drawing:

  1. Put each part’s lines on a separate layer.

  2. Change the line color on each layer.

  3. Combine the layers with the rest of the drawing.

This way, you can easily color lines without mixing them up.